Sunday, March 26, 2006

all is asleep, all slumber softly
hope and peace nestle side by side
my sister tosses and turns this way
and i grimace on the other side

all is asleep, all sleep quietly
within our hearts is some despair
she tosses this way, i the other
and we punch the bolster in the way

all is asleep, softly snoring
and i've got a fug in my eye
i look for you to tuck me in
but no, you're out of sight

all is asleep, all tu whit to whoo
a solitary owlet cries
i punch an imagined pillow mate
leaking tears for that empty side.


Ar Ar Ar Arrrrr said...

Nice one there Cafeine Addict...

Hugzzz and take care...


D'yer Mak'er said...

Caffeine Addict.... you need some of C13H21O2N2Cl (a.k.a. Novocaine!) in your coffee!!!!

: M : said...

@ arzoon; thanks, and its CAFFEINE not CAFEINE!!!

: M : said...

@ dyer maker- prescibe me some then, por favor?

the_ego_has_landed said...

nice one..

: M : said...


anup.777 said...

:) @ "i look for you to tuck me in
but no, you're out of sight"