Wednesday, March 08, 2006

What this started out as was a personal love poem; and while it remains that, it has morphed into a terza rima (of sorts). I have taken liberties with the form, (feel justified to have done so), and this is now a sort of apostrophe- an address. This is part of the theme for my next poetry portfolio- apostrophes. Of course they're not all going to be for him; that would just make it a mutilated sort of canzonierre- but willalso include address poems to people I've loved over the past years- especially my family.

Hope Anup especially enjoys this, as a poet himself. I'm waiting (eagerly, I might add) for the promised villanelle, Anup.

Poem for Sh---

You feel like a child reaching for the moon.
Last year you were invincible; nothing
Could hurt you. The bubble burst too soon

You look about you dazzled; with loathing.
The moon was a toy and the stars silver dust,
And the sex and the filth could not bring

You are saddened and sickened by the lust
And barrenness you see; this daily grind
Makes you forget yourself, and then you thrust
Me out.

Escape into the Shangri La of your mind,
I know you will pull through and smile again.
Retreat now with me and pull down the blind
And be as you were.

Till the next post; whenever that may be...I have my screenwriting module submission deadlines leering at!


Φ said...

Last post was o'er my head.. this is pure neck deep with wrk myself..need a break, probably a vacation..huh

: M : said...

hmm....ty vinx.

Prmod Bafna said...

Daymmm! Undeniably wonderful! :)

: M : said...


anup.777 said...

(with a wide grin) ... I thoroughly loved this one, buddy! :)

... I remember da promise ... I 'm still too caught up in a tangled web of deadlines ... But I'm gonna give it ma best shot very soon ... :)

All da very best for ur submissions! Hope ya do well! :)

: M : said...

thanks, but i suspect im nto cut out fr a career in tv scripting; find it v tedious to write a script.

D'yer Mak'er said...

.. i liked the theme..... for i somehow started to believe... you'd justify it to the fullest.... all the best lady.

submission deadlines leering at!
...almost felt like helpin... but then pulled back... i know not how!

: M : said...

@ dyer maker- well thanks for the vote of thanks- a redundant word there maybe? waaak...anyway the deadline is for the treatment of a script- you know like a first draft, and I'm not very sure of where I'm heading...

D'yer Mak'er said...

I'm not very sure of where I'm heading...
...then just keep on walkin'.... for when you're really unsure of where you're goin'... atleast you've shed the fear of gettin' lost!

p.s. n' take care though!... don't you work so hard that you again fail to see past the end of your nose!!**wink!!**

: M : said...

hmm...i suppose i get lost when i get so caught up in it all that i fail to see past the end of my overly long nose. that was a damn low blow!!!

: M : said...

have redesigned the template a bit; do let me know what you make of it

Anjalika said...

true,with the burst of tht bubble, tht smile fades away...

i wish certain things remained in the bubble itself, so tht there's perpetual smile and happiness....


Anjalika said...

true,with the burst of tht bubble, tht smile fades away...

i wish certain things remained in the bubble itself, so tht there's perpetual smile and happiness....


: M : said...

well yeh, but i suppose it is naive to expect that, ne? anyway i suppose we're good at blowing bubbles, another quickly rises to replace the old one.