Monday, June 06, 2005

i was stained in you
and now, nothing remains
i've isolated myself from you
and you, you, and you
till the inks swirl around and
whirl off me
red, un couer brise, fades first
indigo leaks off my veins next
blacks and greys the last to leave
till everything is leached of color
and a dullness remins behind
white or something like it
shall i ever be so painted again?
shall i ever be so pained again?
my body-palette is smudged dry now
and no color remains


Anonymous said...

hmm...very morbid. r u ok?


: M : said...

i dont know....feeling very restless for the past few days. maybe its just the heat....or then again, maybe not.

Φ said...

Wonderful work..esp when it ends Colorless..

This written 2 years back...but nothing close :)

: M : said...

vinod will check out right now...and dont depreciate anything written in emotion...

: M : said...

vinod- i loved your poem. mucho better than mine.