Wednesday, April 11, 2007

wilkommen zum mein Welt!

i admit it, in fact some of my acquaintance would be surprised to see me talk so. the fact still remains though that i am a klutzomaniac. don't bother googling for it, i coined it awhile backas i searched for that one perfect adjective to describe- well me.

i am the girl who falls down the stairs and bonks her head against any given srface if she posibly can. not contant with that, i scratch myself with my nails while fact every time i wash m hair i drive one nail into the cuticle of another. know how tender that skin is? if i reach for a towl i take some plaster from the wall with me. i cant even fry an egg withot the hot fat nearly blinding me. something to be learnt from v for vendetta i suppose.

so muh for klutz. ill describe the maniac bit after awhile, im terribly sleepy.

or i could finish it off now.




you can probably guess my other title. yeah its princess of procrastination.

reason for rant- ramming my toe into the wall and hearing an ominous crack. i shall update this tomorrow, whn i know for sure if i have broken a bone or not.


SeizeTheNite said...

Coming from someone who's day consisted of nearly burning my hair off with a blowdryer, twisting my ankle in some sort of gopher hole and falling down the stairs in front of about 1,000 people, believe me, I understand.
Hope that bone is not broken... :)

Inkblot said...

pretty :P