Sunday, April 08, 2007

there are cycles and then, there are cycles. everythign goers through them, birth, growth, decay death. the economy and the markets go through theirs. moods swing, seasons change, and the amount of dandruff o your scalp waxes and wanes depending on the state of the moon.

i made that last bit up.

there are seasonal shifts in my personality. i am something which i could never be at work when i am at home and lounging about the house in my new nightclothes, hair dishevelled, stuffing my face with gorgeous food(!)

when i am at bangalore i am an altogether diferent person...more take charge, more aggressive (if thats possible for a wimp like me to be). at home i may well be apathetic..and thats fine.

thats what holidays are for, yeah?

its 8 am on a sunday morning and im typing..what rubbish..i need to go back to bed. !!!

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