Thursday, May 24, 2007

holidays are many splendored things. they can make you dance, leap, sing, jump, WALK- like you've never walked before, sleep, eat, doze, snooze- well, just about anything you wouldn't really do on a normal work day. and i have the sore ankles to prove it!

words would- well not be insufficient exactly, ut it would take me a good day to describe all our adventures on any sort of detail. and anyhting else would nto do it justice.

well proof- here are some snapshots.

drinking coconut water straight from the coconut, laboring under the delusion that there are no straws available. me havinbg the giggles and my plight. and setting everyone else off too. and then, after we had completely splashed ourselves, to discover (with only some chagrin), a pile of bright orange straws tucked by the vendor's seat.

deciding to be the real trail blazer and walknig across a river (by a waterfall) on a set of half sunken and very slimy rocks. with trainers that had NO traction. and slipping and sliding and then splash! falling into the river. and then realising that the river was crocidile infested.

spending 12k plus of shopping- at commercial street! my wallet would have wept tears of blood- if it could!

bingeing on sponge cake....ahhhh!!!!!!


Woman?? said...

You got me with the sponge cake.

: M : said...

it was THE best i've ever had- and i've had loads of em...light as air...yum!