Monday, June 04, 2007

you think you know me?

do you really?

words, my words, that's who i am, you think, you say, nd then you think you've read me like a book, unravelled all my texts,subtexts and contexts. think again, intrepid reader. you don't know me at all.

this is who i am- here i am, unclothed, spelling ot the truth. a truth which i dont blame you for not understanding, a truth that i denied all my life.

i am a writer. this is who i am, this is what i was born to be, meant to be, bred to be. fed on the nectar and ambrosia of books, tales, dreams and myths. faeries and elves and daemons that delve.


you think you KNOW me? think again!

if these words are what i's a parting shot for you.

these words are nothing. zippo, zilchh.

they're like loose change lying unheeded on the pavement.


Woman?? said...

At least you know who you are.
Thats enviable.

Woman?? said...


Very interested in your book.
A suggestion:
Don't break away too much from personal writing. Sometimes introspective writing can lead to remarkable inspiration.